
By TheJuicyDoyenne


"I don't laugh at people anymore when they say they've seen UFOs. I've seen one myself."
~ U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Washington Post Interview, 1975

The focus of today's Blip was meant to be the nearly full Strawberry Moon rising, however it took a sharp turn into the paranormal when, while looking at the photos I took, I noticed a very strange object in the upper left corner of this one.
I spent about an hour analyzing this photo and discussing it with my husband and neither one of us can come up with an explanation other than UFO. 
What makes this phenomenon even stranger is that I snapped two other photos in this exact spot - one before this shot and one after, using slightly different angles; and the object does not appear at all in the other photos. Oh...and I absolutely did NOT see anything in the sky at the time while looking through the camera lens.
This is not the first time I've had an encounter with a UFO. Two years ago while driving home to Kissimmee from a day at Clearwater Beach with my daughter and grandson, we all saw a massive triangular shaped spacecraft in the sky above Tampa - well, lights displayed in a triangular pattern that is to say, since it was very dark that night. It was crystal clear to us that it was not an airplane, helicopter, etc, as it was huge and moving so slowly that it was basically hovering over the city for quite some time.
I don't talk about it much. After all, I have a husband who is not too eager for me to receive a visit from the Men in Black but I do often wonder how many other people have had similar experiences.

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