Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

All That Remains

I couldn't keep all of my pulled teeth. Apparently there are rules against letting the patient leave with broken teeth.

They did give me this one, though. The nurse told me it was the only tooth that came out in one piece. (To be fair, my teeth were badly broken when I went in. I wasn't aware I still had a tooth that intact.)

The blue spongy-looking stuff is bone. It's tinted blue because they suspended it in mouthwash.

I took a video to better show my mouth. You can find it here.

Surgeon said the surgury went well. I'm in a pretty bad place painwise, but I'm so happy to have my teeth OUT!!!

Cosmo is also still improving. He's been loving on me a lot, already back to his healing cat duties.

Sorry for blipping this the day after (June 30th). I don't know if I'll blip for today (June 30th) or backblip again tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm tired and need a nap.

I love you guys so much.

Thank you all so much for all your love and support. Blipfoto truly is a unique and amazing place on the internet. A safe-haven, were we all show daily glimpse into our lives, and the personal content means more than having a super high quality camera and mad photoshopping skills.

Yes, the pictures are incredibly important here, but the lives behind the pictures are so much more important. Unlike any other photo-sharing/photography/art website I've ever been on -- and I've been on many!

I love you all so much. Thank you for caring. For loving. For being you. For being the essence of Blipfoto!

I hope you all are doing well. Take care.

I love you all so very, very much.

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