Axle grease?

Not that I've ever tasted axle grease, but it couldn't taste a lot worse.
Less like butter I have yet to find. Who christened it anyway?

''Made with pure buttermilk'', it says. Oh no it isn't, it contains 5% buttermilk, after vegetable oils and water. HOW in the name of all things weird and wonderful is a tiny splash of milk from which the butter-fraction has been removed going to make it taste even remotely buttery? And would they be allowed to use impure buttermilk in any case?

It's touch and go whether it gets used or chucked out.

''Our butteriest taste ever''
I SHUDDER to imagine what its predecessors tasted like.
"I can tell Stork from Butter, Stork doesn't tear holes in yer bread !"

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