Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

A day full of appointments

Saw the midwife today, got the the results of my first round of blood tests - I don't have Hep B, syphilis or HIV, yay. I also have common blood. More blood has been whisked away for testing.

The afternoon was spent at spinal surgery pre op which was oddly located next to neonatal and away from the spinal department. We had Mr Mouses operation fully explained to us and Mr Mouse signed the consent form, after which there were a few medical tests to make sure he is fit to go ahead, they scared us at one point as after listening to his heart the nurse went to ask for a second opinion from the doctor. All was fine apparently he has a quiet heart beat.

So pending blood tests which I can't see there being any issue with Mr Mouse is heading to spinal surgery on Friday 8 July at 7am.

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