Turf Drying

The day looked promising for a long walk to climb the highest hill on the island and descend to the coast at the western end of the island. It's a steep climb and the wind was so strong at the top, we took shelter behind the cairn at the top and watched the weather passing!
It was a relief to descend to the old signal tower where the weather was positively balmy, the sea was wild though and it must be an amazing spot to watch the winter storms. The changing light on the land and sea was quite stunning, we explored the nooks and crannies of this rugged coastline before following the lane back. The south side of the island is a little less rugged and there are many small farms and rows of now disused lazy beds, where potatoes were grown in the past. The hills are covered in these stone walls used for drying turf, we were guessing how they were used and I came across this fine example, the cut turf is stacked against the wall where air can blow through the stones drying the turf.
We had tickets to see Declan O'Rouke, a great gig and a perfect ending to a wonderful day.
There are a few extra pictures today if you are interested.

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