Modern Love

We spent the day at the wedding of our friends Tony & Rosie's middle son, Joe, to the beautiful Rebecca.

They were blessed with beautiful weather and here they are exchanging vows in the grounds of the lovely old Somerset manor house where the ceremony and reception were held.

They currently live and work in Los Angeles and friends and relatives had come from as far afield as New Zealand, Australia and Azerbaijan as well as the States to share the day with them.

As you can see, Joe was making use of technology to help him with his vows and iPads were in further evidence when it came to the speeches.

Our son Chris and Joe grew up together and share a large group of friends, now in their 30s, who went to school, played sports and partied together.

It was heart-warming to hear and see these young men express their brotherly love and affection for each other in words and embraces with an openness and lack of inhibition that our generation, despite being children of the 60s, still find difficult in my experience, and which our fathers' generation, who weren't ones to show their emotions, would have found unthinkable - I honestly can't remember my Dad shaking my hand as a grown man, let alone giving me a hug.

It was a joyous day, despite Rosie managing to catch her shin and cut it so badly just after the ceremony that she had to spend an hour in the local A&E having it stitched; she'll never live it down - she hadn't even had enough bubbly at that stage to be able to blame it on the drink.

I borrowed my title from David Bowie: he was in my mind as this (different) track of his was, according to Joe's speech, the soundtrack to their first kiss.

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