Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

There is a tide in the affairs of men

I'm a loyal person.
Obviously, change is good. I'm not afraid of change. Oh no. I embrace it. You can move my cheese around all day. But I always buy the same watch. I must have had about 7 or 8 of these over many years. When the strap breaks or the LCD stops doing the D part of its name, I buy another one. They are like classic cars. For a while they got cheaper and then, as rarity kicks in, the price starts climbing. The last one just disappeared during a game of 5 a side. Like The Ring slipping of Gollum's finger. It was quite hard finding a replacement. I have to reconcile myself to the fact that this might be my last one. Which means I'd have to learn a whole new set of buttons. Anyway, it's all set up and shows the phase of the moon and the state of the tide. In Falmouth.

Yesterday it emerged that, when I was asked earlier in the week to have a think about how the impossible Captain Kirk task might be accomplished, they were being playful. It seems that they have already decided how it will work. And, of course, the answer is to throw more people at it! That always works. Frinstance. If you can't be bothered to wait 9 months for a pregnant lady to make a baby, why not recruit another 8 pregnant ladies and they'll be able to do the job in 1 month. It's just basic maths.

I spent some of the afternoon writing something to explain why it wouldn't work. A document which won't be remembered when I am being castigated for it not working.


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