Sleeping dogs

Cousteau has taken to waking us up in the morning with a solid barking session outside his dog flap. Of course, he could just come through said dog flap,  that being its purpose in life, but he prefers Option B.

So, we dutifully walk to the dog flap, give it a brief flick and then walk away. Thus reminding him that he can indeed just do it himself. Which he does, and then he tippy taps all the way down the hallway to our room, expecting some sort of tussle with Mr B.

He is usually sorely disappointed at stupid o'clock in the morning, but is more than compensated later in the day.

And speaking of later in the day; while we are all going about our daily goings on, our young Cousteau is then able to catch up on some much needed sleep, which he lost by not being able to figure out his doggy door at stupid o'clock in the morning.

It's definitely a hard life! 

I love to see him all relaxed and happy, so I don't mind too much. Well, not once it's light outside, anyway!

Night all.


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