Daisies on the Beach

With a very blurry background of Shag Rock, these daisies looked beautiful against the bluey-grey and pink evening sky. I only had 16-35mm wide angle lens on the camera, so I couldn't get any closer, but it's my entry for Tiny Tuesday anyway.

I had lots of fun with the camera on the beach. There's huge earthworks happening at the foot of Clifton Cliffs, with an incredibly daring track being manufactured (literally) up to a wee shoulder on the cliff, so that two things can happen - 1) the two remaining houses can be demolished, and 2) the shoulder of the cliff can be brought down, before it falls in an earthquake and blocks the road, and maybe kills someone. The machines that are being used are being driven remotely, by men standing on a cherry picker!. Did I say it was daring? Such ingenuity too. Amazing stuff. So I had photos of the daring-do happening, and also of blurry seascapes, and waves sweeping in. I've put one of the latter in Extras.

The Contractor told me yesterday that the enddate for the house repairs is still 15 July. So far so good. I've even bought a casserole dish today - the first I've bought to replace all those dishes that got broken. My symbol of hope!

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