Dolly at Carlisle castle

We headed into Carlisle this morning for a look around, we've always meant to stop but never had the time before now! We visited the cathedral first, which was very nice, before heading back to the castle! The castle is quite nice, my favourite part was all of the old graffiti, some of which is hundreds of years old! In the afternoon we headed up to Dumfries to visit Lewis' grandparents! We spent a very lovely afternoon talking, and wandering round the garden, we even came home with some plants for ours! We headed for home early evening and arrived just before eight, and just as we got in, our neighbour told us about an injured pigeon in the garden! I didn't even make it upstairs, I just went out to see, and sure enough the wee guy was just sitting there! I brought him upstairs, he is weak and underweight, but he has eaten some peanuts, so I am hoping he will be okay! We will most likely take him to Hessilhead in the morning, rather, Lewis will as I will be a work!

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