Dolly and Kiki's bad hair day

All the bunnies are shedding, but Kiki takes the biscuit! Both she and Hubert have always shed in the most ridiculous manner, their new fur grows in in patches, meaning the old stuff only falls out in patches! We have to aid in the fur removal, and since they hate being brushed, the only method is to gently tease the top coat out! I blow on Kiki's fur to get a look underneath, if I can see the new coat then I know I can pull the fur out on that section! This leads to a comical patchwork looking bun, she ends up looking awfully dishevelled for a few weeks, but her fur grows so quickly, her old coat will be gone in no time! It was trial and error at first, and sometimes areas with no new fur shed, leaving Kiki with bald spots, even with the brush, that's why I gently blow on her fur now, I don't want to give her a bald spot by accident! With her wild hair do, I think Kiki definitely fits the Wild Wednesday theme!

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