Came home with me

The trial of a new medicine has been successful so far. No more rhythm disturbances, and no discernible unwanted effects; yet, at least. Today was the registrar's ward round. He is very careful, and was unhurried. Reached me (the last room on his round) and said I could go home. Told me that my prescription and discharge letter would be ready about 4 pm (it was then 1 pm), but if I wanted to go sooner they would post them to me. I said that S would have to pick me up by not long after 2 pm, as she needed to collect the grandsons at 3 pm. The nice young intern said she'd have everything done by 2, and she did. So home we came, carrying (amongst other things) daughter J's flowers, shown here.

Good to be home. 

I have added as an extra, the "prohibited" photo I took on Friday morning, 01 July 2016. This had been taken when the security wallah told me that there were no photos allowed. The photo demonstrates clearly what I said to him; that it was just a photo of the sunrise. Its rather better than the later one with the Nikon. Events meant that I haven't seen this photo until this evening. So I put it as an extra for today.

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