
A day of meetings. The last was an interview of someone for an extended leadership role in the services; we are lucky to have such good people in the services. 

The weather comes from the west on days like today. It was not raining as I left the office, but I had been advised that 5km to the west there hail and thunder. I hoped to be able to get my bike out and get home before that moved over. But the wind defeated me. 

I actually got into the bicycle shed, whereupon came the first flash of lightning (followed one second later by the thunder). And the sky opened to let in all the rain. The size of the drops can be seen in this photo, as I waited inside the shed for the rain to stop. It didn't ease, and I didn't fancy being soaked before even starting to ride. I rang S, who drove over and collected me. The bike is safe until tomorrow.

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