Handbags and Blood bags

I arrived at work and Janet gave me a present....she'd seen this Star Wars bag in the supermarket and thought of me. Now I can carry shopping in one hand and wield my light saber in the other...I use the force to push the trolley....obviously!! 

A woman came in to the session to donate with her young daughter who had undergone chemotherapy a couple of years ago. The treatment had been successful and as the girl had received blood and platelets she had come along to the session to see what is involved in a donation. When she asked me how long it would take for the blood bag to fill I said we should have a guess and see who could get the nearest. The machine times the donation to the second and I said 6 minutes and 12 seconds....and I was bang on!!! ha ha ha. They put a lovely comment on the NHS Blood Donation Facebook page tonight....it is always lovely to get great feedback. 

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