Woman Walking

By njoyce06

On the Road Again!!!!!

   I am almost there......    while driving today, I saw this water.fire truck on the side of the road!  I stopped, backed up on the shoulder and got this picture.  It was one of several really good ones I saw today.  
   I love the tireless rims, on blocks, the total rusty body, the 2 headlights up front reminded me of Mater (Cars movie) waiting for his buddy to come by.

Day 1: 470 miles to Gilbert, South Carolina.  7 hours later, I was here just in time for warm welcome hugs from Jerry and Mary, then to sit down for super!  Oh yeah, my granola bars were long gone.
   Then Mary and I spent 2 hours at the dining room table planning our Phoenix trip next March.  We have a plan... to arrive the Wed before Blip (1 week early) and what we will do in Sedona and the surrounding areas.  
    Today has been a great start to a wandering vacation!

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