Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

At the Movie theatre

I went to see the movie The Dark Knight Rises this evening. Great movie with unexpected events and twists. I can really recommend it! If you like action movies, that is.
I found myself thinking about what happened in USA during the same movie several weeks ago. It was hard not to.
I haven't been at the movies in quite some time and I was rather surprised when a person came to the front of the room, introduced himself and said that if anyone had any questions during the movie he was happy to answer them. He was the one who started the movie this evening. My cousin, who was with me, looked as surprised as I felt.
The movie theatre is named 'Spegeln' which means 'the mirror'.
A sneaky mosquito snuck into the apartment with me when I came home. I'll try to get it before I go to sleep... It wasn't really the quiet type, rather loud actually. Good for me, bad for mosquito...

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