Big Boulder Beach

I don't think that's a name that you'll find anywhere, it's just the name that's been given to this beach by Gill and Derek, who have a house in this lovely area of Brittany. I think it's probably at Kerradenec (update: it's An Holen) or somewhere around there but I pay more attention tomorrow.

We cycled about 24 miles today, me on my little fold up  bike. Some of it was on minor roads and some on tracks and back lanes and it's a great way to see the super countryside around here. After stopping for lunch we arrived at this beach which has some amazing shaped rocks, some of which look a lot like Dartmoor Tors. There's a little granite watchhouse which was built in 1744 to provide a lookout in case of threat from enemy ships. I'll try to upload a pic as an extra.

We got back to the campsite shortly after 6 this evening and met Roger and Jane who joined us on site. We had just half an hour to get ready and back on our bikes to head into Roscoff to meet another couple from the village who have sailed over here and have a meal. 

Thank you very much for the comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's sunset seascape. It's very good of you at a time that I have no wifi and can only use my mobile to give me the opportunity to upload a blip. There's actually very liitle time to spend online even if I had a signal.

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