How to stop the ladies spending too much money

Milton Keynes for a shopping trip with Diana, Rachel and Rosina. Mostly clothes shops as Rachel has two weddings coming up that she needs to kit herself out for. When we walked into a shop the girls would make a bee line for the ladies clothing and I would disappear in the direction of the broom cupboard in which the few paltry items of men's clothing would be on display. One minute later, having perused both pairs of trousers and the three shirts in ridiculously small sizes that made up the menswear department I would pop outside, sit myself down on a bench, read War and Peace from cover to cover and then take a nap whilst Rachel tried on a million outfits. 

As Wallace would say, 'It was a grand day out'.

Matthew's off on holiday but he hasn't told anyone where to. I'm guessing that means that he is out of range of a signal, he can't be bothered or it's best that we don't know. Actually, I will go for all three but in reverse order.

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