Blurred at the edges

Actually, I've been fine but getting increasingly tired as the day has gone on. Last night was good fun, very nice bit of dinner, gorgeous wine, a free bar and a great band. And a taxi driver who was highly entertained by us (well, that's what we like to think). Everyone got a bottle of champagne and there were some nice speeches - it was a 20th anniversary party. I obvs couldn't walk for long, stupid weak poxy ankle but no matter.

Up and out this morning for the train home, ever so grateful for the top bargain first class tickets with their comfy seats. Typically my train from Victoria was cancelled so after a longer route home, got back at two where I gathered a hurculean amount of strength to go to the supermarket and walk the dog. Then a snooze in the garden with the newspapers. And tomorrow just tennis and T de F, v nice.

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