New hair

Will and Daisy have both organised their own entertainment today. This involved me dropping Daisy off at the station at 7-15, the only other people about were the smattering of the other 15 year olds off for a day at Thorpe Park. Text updates indicate she has had a great day, won a giant Pokemon and please can she be picked up at 9:31 from the station? I suspect a tricky job getting her out of bed in the morning.

Will went for a little scoot which ended up in the park, he met his friend and engineered an invite back to his house for lunch. Then home, down to a different friend's house for a hair cut, he came home three hours later. He rattled off a book report for hitchhikers guide to the galaxy which he adores so was less stressful all round than this homework might have been. Then meatballs in the garden, bath and he has vanished to his room.

My day has been full of jobs, except for the lovely yoga lesson at the beginning of the day. And I have just painted my toenails, raiding all Daisy's sparkly polishes.

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