Packing list!

Sunday 10th July 2016 (1415)

An extremely long and non-stop day, which finished with the youth service. One of the activities we had was a trust game, being blindfolded and guided round an obstacle course by verbal instructions only. The idea was obviously "do you trust your guide". One of our younger members was asked to be my guide and said "I don't trust myself". Obviously the thought of guiding the vicar was too much of a responsibility. However, he did eventually agree to do it and I felt very safe with his guidance, which I thanked him for afterwards. 

Tomorrow there is a change of pace as I go on a conference and then have a few days holiday at the end, which includes taking part in the Great London Swim. My secretary gave me this note this evening, reminding me what I have to take for the different parts of the week! I'm a bit concerned that I am only away 1.5 weeks and she's included 5 bottles of whisky! :-))  

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