
By sarah1708


More rain (again) but I was desperate to get out and walk. I chose Schiehallion because it was a short walk (walkhighlands says 4-6 hours) so it wouldn't be that bad if it rained the whole time, and it allowed me to get a bit of hill confidence back with an easy route and lots of people around. 

I felt really ill for most of the walk, something that has been creeping up on me all week. My stomach problems are back unfortunately! I had to stop every 20ish paces for the first 300m or so of ascent and it was really disheartening. However, the breaks in the clouds when I got to the top made up for it, and I was feeling much better and faster on the way down. It turns out that I still did it in under 4 hours - not too bad! My fitness is definitely helping me get out and cope with my stomach more easily - it's such a draining illness so having higher fitness helps reduce the exhaustion a bit :) 

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