Indoor playtime

Yes, it's raining again. Today I've been mostly sorting out card orders (still) - wrestling with resolutions and pixels and other things I don't really understand. Anyway, I think we're winning.
Too damp to venture outside so I've resorted to my scarf collection. I have a lot of scarves. I wear them all over the place- around my neck, around my head if the hair is out of control - and I find bright and colourful patterns irresistable. So this is a very small percentage of them, jazzed up somewhat.
Yesterdays blip re Virol caused a lot of interesting comments and I was amazed how many people remembered it, mostly fondly. I was still shuddering at the ingredients but here is the official recipe . Urgh - it does have animal fat in it. I think you were meant to have a spoonful of virol after the cod liver oil - as a treat! In between the syrup of figs and milk of magnesia.

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