Not every year

I had the impression I blipped the lilies every year. In fact, the last picture of them I can find dates from 2013 - a couple of days earlier than this.

Edit in 2017: this is in fact nonsense. I have done them every year, and tagged them #balconylilies. Here is the evidence.

They were not out yesterday, but today quite a few of them are out, but by no means all. It looks like we have timed our holiday to enjoy maximum benefit.

It being a day working at home, the world's media decided to chase me. Well, not exactly. That's a gross exaggeration. A man came round from Swiss National Radio and interviewed me. Usual topics. It had the benefit that we finally managed to complete the tidying up process that began on Saturday before we let a stranger through the door.

Lovely to sit here with the door open and enjoy the evening sunshine.

And even more lovely to contemplate seeing Fascinating Aida in the Festival in a few week's time. A friend shared their video on Facebook - they've just started practising again for the first time since March 2015.

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