Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Black circles

M came home yesterday with his bike to fit its new wheels. Somehow he managed to justify them to himself. The spokes are flat. Streamlined you see. There's your justification right there. And they are all cool and black.

What else did I miss this week? It was our wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Seven wonderful years. Married for thirty, mind. Boom tish.

And on Wednesday, got the second-best time ever for the ride to work. And the second-best time ever for the ride home. This Strava app is making life hard. You can't just ride to work, oh no. It's all about section times and PBs.

(don't read this bit, C) And I made the mistake of working out how much I spend on football. Over £100 a month! And that's before I factor in bribes etc.

Got some jobs done - coaxed the mower into life and mowed the communal lawn. Fitted the new roof rack to the TT.

Today, spent another fiver on Football, popped in on Mum's to sort out her IT issues. Egg and chips. Nipped to the shops with C for a tactical, clinical strike bit of shopping. Get in, achieve objectives, get out. Minimum of collateral damage.

Then tested the roof rack giving M a lift to the station.

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