Power Shift?

The female Black-headed Grosbeak enjoying a snack atop our tall feeder is one of the shyest birds at our back yard "avian bistro," yet she didn't give up her position at the surprising arrival today of a male Red-shafted Northern Flicker! 

You can better see the size disparity in the extra photo -- the Flicker's average weight is 4.75 oz / 135 g, compared to the Grosbeak's 1.5 oz/42 g, and its length is 11.6 in/29.5 cm versus the smaller bird's 7.3 in/18.5 cm.

My last sighting of this Flicker (or one very like him) was on April 3, so perhaps he and his mate headed for a less crowded neighborhood to raise this year's family, and now are back to relax and enjoy the summer... and free food.

I hope this wasn't just a one-time appearance!

Blip 1587

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