Crossing the road

We packed up I's car with the instruments and set off for Guildford, receiving a series of updated diversionary approaches from the club organiser as we travelled. He'd only been informed at 9 min past midnight this morning that the street the venue is in would be closed for the early part of the evening due to a cycle race. Luckily we managed to sneak up a side street and chat up a very helpful race warden who let us unload all the gear. After we'd popped out to get a sandwich (turned out to be a burrito, since everything else was fenced off), we had to wait for the cyclists to pass before crossing the road back to the venue.

The evening was splendid - a lot of extremely old friends had come out of the woodwork for the occasion, so animation levels were extreme. The music seemed to go down very well too, with not too many mistakes since it had been 32 years since the previous one.

I & K went off to stay with L & L in Guildford and I went back to P's in Farnham, getting a lift in her car. Boy, was I tired!

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