Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

The word mushroom.

You know that the Gods are angry and that the heavens are in a state of upheaval when the shaggy parasol mushrooms start to erupt in July!

According to the Oxford English Dictionary the word mushroom is derived from the Anglo-Norman muserun, muscheroun, musheroun, musherum, musscherom, musseron, mussherum, mosheron.

It is one of those words that can be used as a noun or as a verb.

Originally: a fleshy fungal fruiting body consisting of a stalk and a dome-shaped cap lined underneath with gills; the macroscopic fruiting body of a fungus, esp. a basidiomycete. Later: any fungus, esp. an agaric or other basidiomycete. For example; a field mushroom

To elevate (a person) in social position with great suddenness. For example; Mrs Theresa May has mushroomed  to the post of British Prime Minister  in a matter of a few days.

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