An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Two Windows...

When I looked out the kitchen window this morning I couldn't help but smile at the little shelter the builders have made for themselves by putting an insulating block on top of the pergola to form a makeshift roof.  

This shot is taken from my kitchen window (which will no longer exist once the garden room is up as the part of the kitchen wall where the window is will be knocked though and form the entrance in to the garden room)  

The frame of the garden room window that you can see here will have 4 windows in it, not one massive one.  If that makes sense?  

Meeting with the builder and architect went well.  The builder is getting a bit frustrated with a couple of suppliers who have the potential to cause delays if they don't supply their goods (soon) when they said they would.  Deadlines not passed yet but getting close but good to know the builder is on top of them and chasing things.  There's enough be getting on with in the meantime so hopefully no major delays will ensue (she says optimistically).  

Weather took a turn for the worse so the site was abandoned for the day as  they are sealing things with bitumen and other stuff (that's a technical term ;-) 

Have spent the day in a bit of a shocked daze following all that's been taking place in Nice.  ( yesterday)

David's sister Ele and husband Kenny are in Nice on holiday with our friends Alan and Gail.  Yesterday was Alan and Gail's wedding anniversary and I knew the 4 of them planned to go our for a meal before going to the see the Bastille Day fireworks (we've spent many Bastille Days in France over the years and enjoy the celebrations very much).

Eleanor had posted a photo on Facebook of Alan and Gail in the restaurant earlier in the evening so I was puzzled to get a text from her at 20 to 11 (20 to 12 in France) saying they were all ok.  Her text came in just before I was about to click on the BBC news website (a nightly habit before bed) and thank heavens it did.   

As the news unfolded during the night and over the course of today I have swung between utter relief at them being ok and utter shock at what has happened and how close they were to being caught up in it.  

Their meal took longer than planned so they were delayed leaving the restaurant to head for the promenade and beach.  When they left the restaurant they were met with crowds of people running and at first they assumed they were running for a bus.  It all seemed very confusing.  By the time she texted me they were safely back in their apartment.  

They are due to fly home tomorrow but I see Nice airport was evacuated this afternoon so I don't know if that will have a knock on effect on their flight.  I just want them home.

I just don't know what's happening to our world.  How can a man, with three children of his own, climb into a lorry and deliberately drive into crowds of families with young children.  It makes no sense to me.  

My heart goes out to all those who have been touched by this....I don't even know what to call it, tragedy, act of terrorism, nothing seems strong enough to describe it.   The most heartbreaking thing I have seem reported so far is that there are children, both injured and uninjured, who have been orphaned because of this.  The thought of them there, perhaps on holiday with their mum and dad and now stranded alone, breaks my heart.

Vive La France.

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