A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Judge Away

My stock answer when my family have all enquired is that they were on offer. Which is true. Though I don't really feel the need to justify their presence - I mean, look how pretty they are.

Despite completely failing to find a window to sit down and concentrate on some actual real work I would say today has been pretty good.

Oh and despite having a little cry at J's school (I find it very hard to be there) I had a really good meeting with the welfare officer and found out some potential additional resources available for when we are ready to transition him back there.

Meanwhile a pretty good day for J...a game and a half of tailball, a game of ingenious, some more reading of The Curious Incident as well as some other general malarkeyness.

Anna on the other hand came home from school quite broken. I think a combination of end of term and slightly over exerting herself in a running lesson. Fortunately she was quickly mended with food, drink and rest.

And now I have to go and concentrate as we are starting a new series (Netflix) American Odyssey which appears to require paying attention.

Lesley x

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