Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Howay the lasses…...

……come ON those girls!…..mind you, the traditional phrase is actually 'Howay the lads', and generally directed at full volume towards the local football team at St James Park;-)…'s larnyerselgeordie lesson…...

It's Cullercoats Harbour Day today and the crowds were gathering when I passed by…….there were even cuddy (today's bonus word) rides on offer (see extra of one heading for the starting line….the cuddy being the one with the wind-blown mane and wearing a saddle!) and a long queue was already forming…….

Another lovely day (even if it's a mite breezy!) at the coast…….

MUCH LATER EDIT :: Just remembered, someone from a bit further afield said 'Haway the lads' too…..and, let me tell you, I woz actually there when he did (ref 2nd extra, the documentary proof took some finding!)…..I only wish I could remember the name of the (I think!) cabinet minister (but maybe he was just a local 'Lord' something or other…...mists of time and all that;-)) who bummed a rollie (hand-rolled cigarette for the uninitiated!) from me at the after-event party……..anyway, nice chap, whoever he was…...

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