
One of our two dog walks today was my normal lunch time walks which includes crossing a cricket pitch. Imagine our surprise when there were actually people playing cricket? Ridiculous.

Before that we managed a mass phone upgrade meaning Will has gone from nothing to Daisy's phone, Daisy has gone to my old iPhone and I am biding my time for prices to drop post iphone7. They were both utterly delighted, mainly Will because it was a complete surprise for his very lovely school report. If only the Pokemon servers had been up to the job this afternoon it would have been perfect.

I did take advantage of his dumbfounded joy and took him to the library to sign up for their summer reading challenge. He initially pulled faces but them was quite happy with the books we found and his new library issue wristband so we shall see.

And Daisy has a stinking cold. We ate dinner in the garden nonetheless, what a lovely summers day.

And thank you for pastry suggestions - have plumped for SooBs salted caramel job, if I don't win it will obvs be her fault for the suggestion and not mine for the execution.

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