Another footie tournament

It was miserably hot and muggy today. I don't know how the boys ran around for hours - I felt totally sapped of all energy just watching and cheering them on!

I needed a nice refreshing shower and a nap after the competition in order to start feeling human again.

The Cobras didn't win any games this time - but I think they were too hot and bothered to care. Leo made me smile as he asked if he could buy a tactics folder from one of the stalls - it was a kind of folded clipboard with magnetic coloured dots for planning positions and tactics. I thought he fancied it as a birthday present but couldn't really work out how he would use it much. But it turned out he wanted it for his coach as his old one had been written on with a permanent pen so he couldn't rub out all the markings - so he presented it to Steve, his coach, as a pressie. The man on the stall made me laugh as he told Leo he had better be prepared to sit on the subs bench for presenting his coach with a tactics board :)

After we got in, Leo somehow had energy to go straight back out for more footie on the school fields and then he had his tea out at a friend's house. So apart from breakfast, bath time and bedtime he had been out of the house all day! At least that should mean he sleeps well but I am expecting an early appearance so he can open his pressies at the crack of dawn.

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