Gitama's World

By Gitama

THE mono

Day 7

The week of mono is over .........and here we are 7 Kookas in mono for 7 days.
These guys are traveling around together a lot lately and making a huge racket wherever they go...they make me laugh.

The more I have been observing nature around me I have been noticing that there are several things that have been repeating.

1. The Butcher Bird sits on the same lamp post every afternoon.
2. The two ducks are always on the same bend of the road.
3. Two plovers are always hanging around on the same lawn.
4. The skulking red dog has been skulking in the same area for a few days now.
5. The topknot pidgeons are always flying around the same house.
6. The Laurikeets will always be found in a certain Grevillia tree.
7. Rumi pee's up the same trees and really likes the post on the corner....actually Rumi pee's up every tree in the neighborhood.

There you go 7 things.

It has been quite interesting just playing in mono...I found that I have chosen different photos than if I were going the color route. I don't know if it has made me a little more skillful in mono shots or if it has made any difference.
I see some of your mono shots (you know who you are) and would love to have the eye the skill and the sensitivity to get my images looking as wonderful as yours......perhaps in a while I will do another week and try again.

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