Sunday blues…

“One of the most interesting quirks of some hydrangeas is the ability of the flowers to change colour… This colour change is due to the soil pH which affects aluminium availability. Those with blue or pink flowers tend to be blue in acid soil conditions (high available aluminium levels), mauve in acid to neutral soil conditions, and pink in alkaline conditions.”

Well, this hydrangea has predominantly blue flowers, but it also has some mauve and pink tones mixed in with the blues. Whereas the second hydrangea in our garden is pure pink! Having read the info from the RHS, I now have no idea what sort of soil we have! Whatever colour they may turn out to be, we certainly are in for a beautiful display this Summer when all these mopheads are in full flower…

(A strange old day, warm and muggy, but very little sunshine… Judging by the sunny scenes just shown on the tele, we seem to have had our very own little overcast microclimate today!)


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