A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

The Brain Trust

Our cousin Colin from the States came to stay & so Ma & I, being the only ones in the house not at work, spent the evening chatting, laughing & answering & pondering the many questions Colin threw our way.

I thought it might be time some actual people featured in my Blip again & an action shot is often the best way to do it. At this exact moment, Ma had revealed to Colin that he would most likely be my Blip for the day & this was greeted with much laughter (I don't see why, as she was being quite serious ;)) The dreaded facebook had also been a topic of conversation as Colin had commented on all the 'activity' that apparently comes up on his homepage that we're responsible for, and as you can see, they're both wielding their blackberries. I quickly stated that Mum was definitely the guilty party as neither Ri or myself use it half as much as she does! Obsessed much.

I found some adjustment settings on Mick's camera & so I gave the Blip a retro, polaroid-looking shuz-up. Made for a nice contrast.

We had fish & chips for dinner, which is always a treat.. right up until the very last bite when you suddenly feel rather full & regret having eaten so much (well, that's how it seems to go for me). It's the Olympics as well don't you know, & we were glued all evening, which was great as I've haven't been able to see much of it due to the delights of work.

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