
This is my favorite one of today. It's Amadeus and Buddha running in the meadow. Buddha truly enjoyed the freedom of running and he run around for at least 20 minutes. He was such a happy dog!

For our afternoon walk we went to the woods across the street. Our aim was to find raspberries, but they were still raw. We did find blueberries and wild strawberries. I just ate everything I saw and hubby was getting some into the bucket. Dogs were happily roaming there with us. But we all got some (a LOT) mosquito bites.

For our evening walk we did the same as our morning walk, once again giving the dogs chance to run free. They did some running, but mostly enjoyed the hay internally. There's not much hay to eat in Spain during the warm period.

Once again the dogs are snoring the night away and we will enjoy some hot sauna.

Some more country landscapes and details in Insta.

PS. Spot the dogs?

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