
By Veronica

Mono Monday: communication

I'm sure theatre counts as communication, the theme of Mono Monday this week. The play was a rather odd one: called Le Moche, it is about a young engineer whose career is stalled because of his face; cosmetic surgery transforms him into a massive success, but it turns sour when the surgeon starts reproducing "his" face repeatedly on other people. Continuing the theme of confusion of identity, four actors played eight parts, switching from one to another with no warning, so you had to be on your toes. Excellent actors in a challenging situation.

More unblipped culture yesterday evening; a reading of extracts from the memoirs of a local author at the wine bar in Fabrezan. They were cliched childhood nostalgia, but afterwards we sat on the terrace with tapas and a bottle of wine and chatted as the moon rose (and I forgot to take any photos). Oh, and S found a phone signal for the first time since Wednesday, so we were able to talk to each other!

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