
By Veronica

L'art dans le ruisseau

Today we went to Conilhac to see l'Art dans le ruisseau (literally, "art in the stream"). It's an event that's been going for some years and S knows the organisers, but we have never got around to going before. This year it was an excellent opportunity to promote our own art event. The art is displayed in a dry stream bed that runs through the village, and a couple of adjoining gardens. My photo is of the point where the stream crosses the main road via a tunnel. A few more photos here

Once we got home from that, and after a refreshing ice cream, I hurried off to Notre Dame de la Consolation for a concert of music from the court of Louis XIV, and a chance to distribute some more invitations. I left before the end though, as this evening there was a meal in the square, organised by the newly revived village social club. The club broke up in some acrimony a year ago, and none of the previous members, including us, felt like starting again. We thought that would be the end of it but there's a new team who seem to have plenty of ideas, starting with the traditional one of food and disco. So the first open air meal for a couple of years attracted 140 people -- not bad!

It turned out that I could have stayed till the end of the concert because the aperos went on for over two hours and it was nearly 9 pm by the time we sat down. We ate and drank till midnight, to the accompaniment of a DJ who unfortunately hadn't fully grasped the idea that you should turn the music down while people are eating so that they can talk to each other. Then we went to bed, but as the music didn't stop till nearly 3 a.m., sleep was not easy ...

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