
Up at dawn and off to allotment to do chickens - it was already balmy and by 8 it was getting hot! I decided with a spell of good weather it was time to paint my shed Beetroot! Turned out more like aubergine and I love it! Only 2 more coats of paint to do! Man who calls me Maid arrived so we had a cup of tea and a melted chocolate biscuit! He had entered his local garden Show with the veg from his first year on the allotment and got a First, 2 seconds and some Thirds! Not bad going at all - but he has set himself a high bench mark for next year! 
Back to the plot and to put some seeds in where the potatoes were - I knew I had not dug them all out and by the time I had it was so hot the seeds had to be left! I was waiting for Friend to call as she thought she would be discharged and I was to go in and get her. So home, shower, and eat, with some raw peas Maid man had given me in a Grilled Goats  Cheese and poached Rhubarb and walnut salad! Then wait, and wait, and wait - finally heard not coming out today but tomorrow!
Later in the eve I went round top Party Girls with Vegan Jo as she was holding a raspberry Mojito evening for French Girl. Homeopathic Girl and her husband were there glowing from a day on the beach surfing! Also Compassionate Girl and her husband. As the sun dropped and the moon rose the midges came out and the temperature dropped a little - blankets were handed out and the two men shared one, making sure their hands were above it! They spoke of cold legs with the wind blowing up the bottoms and the joys of Long John's which led to thermals from Damart and Stannah chairlifts - oh the changing conversations as we age - all tongue in cheek...for now!
P.S. Overwhelmed by the responses to yesterdays blip - many of you shared some personal experiences and I was moved and touched and grateful for them all - thank you x 

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