Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

TinyTuesday: American Rubyspot Damselfly

I have blipped this damsel before but I really liked this shot, so here he is again.  I had a hard time deciding between this and my extra of a ovipositing (fancy word for egg-laying) Paper Wasp but I know a lot of people don't want to see wasps so close up.  In case you take a look,  the wasp in the foreground is the "mother" and one of her eggs can be seen in the top compartment just left of center.  The wasp on top is really tiny, about a third as big as the other.  It may have recently emerged from the larger nest not seen in the photo.  That nest, and now this one, are safely in a jar.  The bigger nest has some empty spots but also still has larvae.  I'm looking forward to poking around in it after it's been in the air tight jar for a few days.  :-)

Thanks to WWombat for hosting the challenge again this week, but there's a slightly different take on it today.  Here's what she says:  

"This is my entry for TT60, TinyTuesday60 and I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone else's selection this week.  That's right, every one can be a host this week and it's this simple.

1)  Browse through all of the TT60 entries and select the (2) you like the most.

2)  Advise the blippers you select by awarding them a heart and sending them a REALLY nice comment :-)  In other words, let them know just how special they are!!

3)  Send your selection through to me as a comment by no later than Thursday midnight (Eastern Standard Time) and I will post a compilation of those selections on my Friday Blip.

4)  I will award hearts to the five entries that attract the most votes.

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