Bitter River

By shaun22

Goodbye Blue Sky

by Pink Floyd

full day #last (aka 15) with Laura : (
(at least for a long time)

crazy weather today, full of changes.
lots of wind- no wind
rain- no rain
warm- cold
i think this pic kinda captures it.

on the way to lunch, laura and i saw some wierd paintings in the grass.
later, we went to the park to play with a frisbee.
we both also ended up taking a lot of pictures of the playground equipment-
slides, bars (or whatever they're called),
and more that i wont take forever on laura's computer to upload.
after the park was subway and whit's (frozen custard).
we walked by some industrial plant of sorts to get there from the park.

then a horrible thing happened when we got back.
laura's pictures ended up missing.
all of them from today- gone.
there were about 50.
we arent sure if its her card, camera, or the card reader that messed up,
but all of the pictures that were on the card and not locked are deleted.
: (

tomorrow i head back to athens, and a new quarter begins.
right now its looking like i might have a new (to me) car by the time wednesday finishes.

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