A warm, still evening at Mallards Lake

Another scorchingly hot day today, that's two in a row. It got up to 31C this afternoon. It can't last! We were supposed to be cycling around the Isle of Thanet today following the Viking Way cycle path but yesterday's events with Doreen's water leak meant that had to be abandoned for the time being.

Spent the morning on the phone to various insurers making appointments to come and assess the damage and also to test the dodgy electrics that were soaked by the running water. Everyone was very pleasant and helpful although the earliest the different surveyors could come out is tomorrow. The electrician came tonight and did a few tests and declared that the power could be swtiched back on.

Good job this happened during the hottest days of the year as it aided drying out the carpet, walls and wires and enabled all the wet stuff in the airing cupboard to be dried outside on the line.

A busy morning but there was time to have a relaxing, cooling swim after lunch. Enjoyed dinner outside for the fourth consecutive night. Good to go for a walk in the allegedly cooler evening air. It was still 22C outside when we went to bed.

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