Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

First day

We were dreading last night because Henry's got another cold and had been quite grizzly before some ibuprofen, but he slept for almost 9 hours in a row! I was up and down checking he was still breathing so I'm still tired, but he did really well. I wonder what tonight will bring?!

I changed jobs to paediatrics today which meant lots of sitting around in boring induction sessions. I wonder why I bother filling the paperwork in beforehand because I always have to do it again on the day. The most annoying bit was queuing for ages to have a photo taken for an ID badge then being told 8hrs later that the pictures are too small to reliably identify us - oh and despite having had 2 passport pictures of us all for the last month they couldn't use those! I just hope I can get it sorted for Friday.

Today's blip is Henry trying to cause mischief with the sky remote. He's cruising along the furniture and pulling up to stand on everything he can get his hands on at the moment - when I picked him up from nursery he was nonchalantly standing at a table and apparently he's been there most of the day!

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