Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


Vancouver, Day 20

Those of you who follow Booky Goatherd's journal will know that she and K moved to Vancouver last week as Booky will be working here for the next 4 years.

It goes without saying that meeting up with them while Spokes I are over here was an absolute 'must' for me.

If it hadn't have been for Booky I would never have started Blipping in the first place, as it was she who encouraged my brother, Goatee, to begin Blipping and he, in turn, suggested to me that I might fancy giving it a go...

So, as you can see, Booky has a lot to answer for!!

It's been a few years since I last saw her and K although, of course, I've kept up with all their exploits in Croatia and I can't wait to see how they enjoy their new surroundings here in Canada.

It was an absolute pleasure to meet up with them for a chat and a curry tonight. Thanks to Virginia and Eric for suggesting the restaurant and treating us all!

The rest of the day was spent packing our bags for our return flight tomorrow (the last 3 weeks have zipped by in a flash!), having one last swim at the beach and popping out to Davie Street for lunch at Tartine Bread and Pies

I'm going to miss Vancouver a lot.

Today's tune comes from Vancouver's own Dan Bejar aka Destroyer. It's 'Dream Lover' from Poison Season, one of my favourite albums from last year...

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