Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Q is for...


Queen of historical fiction. JennyWrenny and I saw Ms Gregory read from the Other Queen and answer questions before introducing a film adaptation of one of her books. It was a great evening. This holiday is actually a little bereft of reading, particularly one of her books - I think I managed to get through 3 of her books on honeymoon and two of her books on last years hols. Mind you there are four days left, so plenty of time to pop to a book shop and fill a gap in the collection...

It is a shame we had to leave Skye today - Q for the Quiraing, would have been a far more interesting blip. Although it might have just been green with mist and you'd have had to trust me what was within the mist. It was one of those Skye days today, the black Cuillin which were so resplendent yesterday were completed hidden in the mist and as we wound around their foot today. And the weather stayed with us down the West Coast of Scotland, but improved as we took the A69 and headed east and home.

I hate leaving, the ineveitable helpless tears as we take the road back to Portree and start the drive home, which always feels like it will be a lot longer than the drive up. But I guess that it is just a sign of a week fully enjoyed, plenty of pics and memories to keep us going till next time.

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