
I woke this morning to strange noises.  While lying in bed trying to work out what they were I realised there was a weird red glow coming from my hallway.  Assuming it was fire, I dived out of bed, cursing that my smoke alarms weren't working.  Nope.  No fire.  No smoke. Just more glow coming from the bathroom and the toilet.

It was an incredible sunrise blazing through the uncurtained windows.  It was too impressive to ignore so I rushed outside with my camera. 

Trouble is that the skyline from my house just isn't exciting so I jumped in the car and headed down the road to find a better position (I have to admit that I was still in my dressing gown).  Of course by the time I got down the road it just wasn't as stunning - in fact it was no longer really worth photographing.  

But I parked beside the fence that I photographed the spiders web on the other day.  The wind had really been playing with the webs (definitely before the frost this time) and they were in a sorry state, although they did look pretty with the remainder of the sunrise on them.  As is so often the case for me, I hope really hard that no-one recognised me at dawn, down the road, bending over in the long grass photographing messes on a fence!

I didn't work out what the noises that woke me were either - but assume they were from down the road somewhere.  Nothing astray at my house.

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