Black Tailed Skimmer

Wonderful to have a good night's sleep in the new bed but feel as if I could do with more rest. 

I finally got out for a walk today, the first proper walk since last weekend. I dragged Basil off to Nanpantan Reservoir, where we haven't been for two to three weeks. I'm pleased that Severn Trent aren't hacking down the vegetation as they did two years ago. The grass hasn't been mown since I was last there and the reeds and marginal plants are doing really well, much to the annoyance of the fishermen.

Perhaps budget cuts are taking their toll on maintenance. Secretly, I think it's a good thing.

There are insects everywhere, butterflies, bees and dragonflies. Lots of these black tailed skimmers this year. Some Emperor dragonflies too. I want to go back with my natural history lens mounted on a tripod next week in the hope of getting clearer pictures.

Two broods of newly hatched moorhens, a small copper butterfly, lots of cabbage whites and several species of damselfly. One beige coloured one hung for ages on a grass stem but I just couldn't find it through the lens.

I would have walked round a second time but Basil was lagging on the lead. Not like him not to like a walk. I think he's still feeling the heat. Time for the tea towel treatment.

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