We had a stay at home day today apart from me sending Hubby out to the shops several times for sugar and other essentials. I made apricot jam today as I do every summer. We get wonderful apricots from the nearby Wachau region but this year the supply is low as late frosts damaged much of the crop. We bought some from the local fruit stand instead which are from Hungary but still great quality. I don't like the anaemic looking apricot jams they make here as they use a sugar mix full of pectin and other setting agents and it is cooked for a very short time then pureed. I like mine chunky - with the crap cooked out of it so it is dark and caramelised and full of flavour. I use fresh lemon juice as a setting agent and less sugar. 
I wanted to cook 4 kilos then read that small batches turn out better. So I cooked 2 kilos as normal then cooked the second batch adding vanilla pods as the French do. I am not sure if I can taste the vanilla but it is delicious, anyway. I didn't blip the jam so here is a thistle instead. 

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