Sunday choice

Was taken to a picturesque village pub in South Buckinghamshire today for Sunday lunch. Now, I have to say that in general I do not make a habit of eating out for Sunday lunch because I find that a good many establishments focus on a traditional Sunday roast.

In general I prefer to choose from the usual day to day menu whether it be a ploughman’s or fiish’n’chips
So I was delighted to find a full menu on offer today at the Black Horse in Fulmer, not far from Slough and close to the famous Pinewood film studios.

Mind you, we had checked out the likely menu online before booking and what an absolute gem it turned out to be.
The place was packed even after normal lunchtime eating hours, which in itself I considered a good omen, even though it presented difficulties in parking,
But the food — a magnificent varied menu, and the size of helpings, overpoweringly generous. So much so, that Mrs F when presented with half a roast chicken immediately flinched. The staff must have gauged her reaction by offering a welcome doggy-bag if she could not manage it all.
The three of us plumped for crispy calamari with a sweet chili mayonnaise as a starter, but which in itself could have been a complete lunchtime snack.  However, I also succumbed to beer-battered fish’n’chips. Excellent.
Word has it that The Black Horse is a 17th century craftsman’s cottage, transformed into a welcoming village pub that would put many of the increasingly popular gastro pubs or gastronomic restaurants to shame.

Thank you Mrs M for an admirable choice of venue and driving us there. Oh yes and there was still plenty of take-home chicken for sandwiches later, and still more for tomorrow.

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